Collins Chong Yew Keat

Collins Chong Yew Keat

About Collins Chong Yew Keat

More From Collins Chong Yew Keat

Taiwan issue no longer an internal Chinese affair

Taipei needs full regional support for its survival and in its efforts to repel a Chinese invasion;  it cannot afford to be distracted by other lingering issues with other neighbours, including Japan, which Beijing is happy to exploit to its advantage. 

Beijing keeps tight rein on its media as its seeks global information dominance with sophisticated propaganda tools

No country comes close to China’s sophisticated influence-seeking tools and the way it leverages its soft power. The relentless pursuit by Chinese propagandists, out to stake their claim on the global information order, are challenges that the independent global information order needs to meet. 

Is China's tightening grip over Malaysia and region a threat to Western security order?

In this regard, both ASEAN and Malaysia seem to have lost their appeal to the West for a deeper security foothold, with Washington realising that the current situation of the region's pandering to Beijing makes it difficult for the US to establish rooted military alliances and placement of strategic anti-missile capacities, among others

A long tactical mind game has begun for control of Indo Pacific

A new, long and potentially ugly physical and mind games have begun, where conventional and tactical firepower alone would not guarantee long term success and acceptance

India remains a strategic bulwark in checking China’s rising power

Both Sri Lanka and Bangladesh remain crucial in the eyes of New Delhi and Washington in denying further incursions by Beijing, underscored by the scramble for reassertion of American influence and ties with both nations

China's strategic missteps can have dangerous consequences for Indo Pacifc region

Beijing should be wise enough in realizing the dangerous impact of its using pugnacious responses to Pelosi’s visit that can risk greater backfiring from its strategic adversaries in the future

Pelosi’s Taiwan trip: upholding values of democracy over autocracy

A new spectrum of tactical competition has begun in the Indo Pacific, and it requires more than threats and deterrence to determine the path and pattern of the conflict; it needs wisdom and strategic foresight by all the players in playing both the short and long game with both conventional and new tools of war and diplomacy

Can the US help Taipei escape Beijing’s claws?

Regardless of future leadership transitions in Washington, the pivot to the Indo-Pacific will be here to stay in safeguarding America’s status quo and primacy, writes Collins Chong Yew Keat for South Asia Monitor

Despite the Chinese challenge, American primacy in the Indo Pacific remains unquestioned for now

The short game might be Beijing’s to lose for now, but the long game is certainly Washington’s to squander away, writes Collins Chong Yew Keat for South Asia Monitor 

Kim's nuclear brinkmanship: Can Quad rise up to the Indo Pacific challenge?

Kim Jong-un's new strategy shifts the region's counter-reaction to a new level of risk that will invite changes in the dynamics of the military spectrum, writes Collins Chong Yew Keat for South Asia Monitor